Box spider | Crossopriza lyoni

Crossopriza lyoni (Blackwall, 1867) (Family: Pholcidae)

Common name: Box spider

Size: Female 5-6 mm, Male 3-5 mm

Distribution: Cosmopolitan

Description: Cephalothorax wider than long, greyish white in colour, a dark band along mid longitudinal line; top part of the cephalothorax with deep excavation. Six pearly eyes located in the tip of cephalothorax. Legs long, fragile, with fine hairs; small black spots all over the legs, joints are black in colour. Abdomen greyish off white with black and white patches in the sides and dorsum; cardiac area transparent; triangular in shape when viewed from sides, with the spinnerets located in the lower projection of the triangle. A small conical extension is projected at the upper posterior end of the abdomen.

Natural History: Constructs irregular webs in corners of ceilings and live as a synanthropic spider. Sometimes with egg case attached to chelicerae. This spider vibrates the web rapidly when it is touched.

Contributed By : Sudhikumar A.V.


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